The Generate More Bundle...

for those that want more

Time, Money, Opportunity & Flexibility

4 Amazing modules to help you get more of

what you need

The Generate More Bundle...

for those that want more

Time, Money, Opportunity & Flexibility

4 Amazing modules to help you get more of

what you need

The Happy Business Hub

Supporting business owners in creating happy businesses.

A happy business is one that is healthy, profitable, sustainable and you absolutley love being in.

The Happy Business Hub

Supporting business owners in creating happy businesses.

A happy business is one that is healthy, profitable, sustainable and you absolutley love being in.

Business owners are always looking for more time, money, opportunity & flexibility.

We need to be driving the right amount of revenue and making strong profits in a business that feels fully under our control. One that is enjoyable and easy to work in and more importantly it is also giving us the life we want.

Generate More of what you need

Whenever we are talking to business owners often they are looking for more of something, whether it's more income or a more consistent cashflow, more leads and opportunities, more freedom and flexibility and definitely more time!

Back in 2019, we created Generate More as a four-day event which we ran again in 2020. We realised how useful these modules were for business owners in helping them to explore the things that they can put in place in their business to generate more of what they need. Helping them to be open to new ideas and opportunities for them and their business. So we turned that four-day event into a live programme and then into this wonderful online bundle version that you see here.

Generate More has been helping business owners ever since.

is this you...

Always running out of time, feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

Not sure where the money is coming from and struggling to invest.

Leads drying up and finding it difficult to get ideas off the ground.

Poor work life balance and feeling tied to the business.



Having time to do what is needed with no more stress or overwhelm.

Know exactly where the money is coming from and investing in your future.

Having an abundance of leads and new opportunities.

Having amazing work life balance and feeling in control of your business.

Ready to get more of what you need?

You will get lifetime access to the modules (for the life of the product) so you can work through it at your own pace

Generate More of what you need

Whenever we are talking to business owners often they are looking for more of something, whether it's more income or a more consistent cashflow, more leads and opportunities, more freedom and flexibility and definitely more time!

Back in 2019, we created Generate More as a four-day event which we ran again in 2020. We realised how useful these modules were for business owners in helping them to explore the things that they can put in place in their business to generate more of what they need. Helping them to be open
to new ideas and opportunities for them and their business. So we turned that four-day event into a live programme and then into this wonderful online bundle version that you see here.

Generate More has been helping business owners ever since.

is this you...

Always running out of time, feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

Not sure where the money is coming from and struggling to invest.

Leads drying up and finding it difficult to get ideas off the ground.

Poor work life balance and feeling tied to the business.



Having time to do what is needed with no more stress or overwhelm.

Know exactly where the money is coming from and investing in your future.

Having an abundance of leads and new opportunities.

Having amazing work life balance and feeling in control of your business.

Ready to get more of what you need?


You will get lifetime access to the modules (for the life of the product) so you can work through it at your own pace

Plan for amazing results

When we talk to the business owners we work with, Productivity is always high on the agenda. How can I be more effective, get more done and be consistent with my habits?Good productivity starts will good planning. This requires the right tools, so we have created a range of downloadable planners to help you on your way.

You will get lifetime access to the modules (for the life of the product) so you can download what you need, when you need it.

Just download and get planning

is this you...

Do you feel like your business is running you sometimes?

Maybe you feel stressed or frustrated with the sheer volume
of actions, or overwhelmed by what is needed?

Struggling to remember what needs doing and when?

Maybe you feel disorganised and it’s started to affect your


Want to work smarter and be more effective?


It all starts will planning. Being organised in your business
means organising not just your tasks but thoughts too. Planning ahead can not only save time but will generate stronger results.


We love planning at the Happy Business Hub so we created a
range of planning tools to help you be productive and stay on track. To take back control, be calm, focused and effective.

Find your freedom

Freedom is flexibility, the flexibility to choose how you work and when you work. Flexibility should grow and evolve with you and there needs to be boundaries in place to help maintain it. But it's about balance, too much flexibility and you'll find it hard to get things done, too much structure and you loose all flexibility. Remember, your mindset is at play here too. Give yourself permission to work in a way that suits you.

If you already have the type of flexibility and freedom that
you want, and the structure is working for you think about how it needs to evolve or change as you do.

Whilst the destination may be exciting the journey needs to be equally as enjoyable. Don't wait to get flexibility in your business. Don't wait to have the type of freedom that you want. Find a way of bringing it into your business today.

The Generate More Bundle...

This amazing bundle gives you access to 4 modules to help you generate strong revenue streams, consistent leads, amazing solutions and tonnes of flexibility and freedom.

Whether you are just a year in or 10 years on, these modules will have something for you. Our businesses go through phases and often previous issues that were once sorted come back as a result of our growth and change. This is not a step back just merely your next phase of evolution.

Each phase brings its own challenges but they all revolve around the 4 key aspects, time, money, opportunity and flexibility. The great thing about our modules is that the learning and implementation can be adapted to the phase you are in. This is why we give you product lifetime access, so you can keep coming back when you need too.

The Generate More Bundle

What's Included

4 module bundle

£316 £199

Generate More TIME (Value £79)

Generate More MONEY (Value £79)

Generate More OPPORTUNITY (Value £79)

Generate More FLEXIBILITY (Value £79)

(All workbooks, videos & templates provided)

Access for the life of the product

Work at your own pace, in your own way

Start GENERATING MORE today & SAVE £117!!!

All for just £199

You will get full access to this immediately and for the life of the product. This includes any updates, additions or you won't miss out. Don't worry we will let you know when we have added to your bundle.

[Due to the nature of instant access and download there are no refunds - We reserve the right to update, change or remove the product at any time]

What's included in The Bundle?

4 Amazing modules to help you generate more and grow your business


Generating more time is all about how we can improve our productivity and efficiency, but also understanding where our time is going and why. What tasks are we undertaking? What could we outsource? What could we automate? How could we focus in on the right areas and make our time more valuable?


Having a healthy and sustainable business is all about strong profit margins. When we talk about more money we are talking about more profit. We will also be looking at our pricing mechanism and how we can make more money from assets we already have. Addressing our costs and investments are on the agenda too as is cashflow management.


In generating more opportunity, we're going to be exploring how we can create new things, how we can open new markets and create more opportunity for our business. So we'll be exploring our marketing, the creation of new products and services, and how to launch those products and services.


Generating more flexibility is about the right work life balance and getting the business life that you crave. We will be finding ways of freeing up not just the time, but the mental capacity and the energy that you have around your business. We will have a strong focus on passive income, business structure and exploring the 6 key areas of wellbeing.

What will be covered?

Understanding your time

Timescales and how to set them

Dealing with procrastination

Setting boundaries

Managing your time

Embracing technology

Creating routines

Protecting your time

What will be covered?

More money is More profit

Your numbers

Money management

Sweating your assets

Pricing management


Financial freedom

What will be covered?

Growth & potential

Niche & branding


Social Media

Solution gaps

Validating & creating opportunities


Lead Generation


What will be covered?

Flexibility goals

Work life balance

Streamlined systems

Business structure

Passive income

Growing a team


What's included in The Bundle?

4 Amazing modules to help you generate more and grow your business


Generating more time is all about how we can improve our productivity and efficiency, but also understanding where our time is going and why. What tasks are we undertaking? What could we outsource? What could we automate? How could we focus in on the right areas and make our time more valuable?

What will be covered?

Understanding your time

Timescales and how to set them

Dealing with procrastination

Setting boundaries

Managing your time

Embracing technology

Creating routines

Protecting your time


Having a healthy and sustainable business is all about strong profit margins. When we talk about more money we are talking about more profit. We will also be looking at our pricing mechanism and how we can make more money from assets we already have. Addressing our costs and investments are on the agenda too as is cashflow management.

What will be covered?

More money is More profit

Your numbers

Money management

Sweating your assets

Pricing management


Financial freedom


In generating more opportunity, we're going to be exploring how we can create new things, how we can open new markets and create more opportunity for our business. So we'll be exploring our marketing, the creation of new products and services, and how to launch those products and services.

What will be covered?

Growth & potential

Niche & branding


Social Media

Solution gaps

Validating & creating opportunities


Lead Generation



Generating more flexibility is about the right work life balance and getting the business life that you crave. We will be finding ways of freeing up not just the time, but the mental capacity and the energy that you have around your business. We will have a strong focus on passive income, business structure and exploring the 6 key areas of wellbeing.

What will be covered?

Flexibility goals

Work life balance

Streamlined systems

Business structure

Passive income

Growing a team


What our clients say...

Hello there...

I'm Lisa Sheppard your Happy Business Mentor ®️

Whether you're a business of one, or a business of many, the challenges that we face are often the same. We want great solutions, an abundance of clients, seamless systems and strong profit that is sustainable.

Over the last 10 years that I have been working with business owners I often get asked to help them to Generate More Time, Money, Opportunity and Flexibility. This is why at the happy business hub we have created this amazing bundle to help you do just that.

Do I have to complete them in a certain order?

Not at all, they have been designed as stand alone courses so it is up to you to decide the order that best suits you.

How long will I have access for?

You will get lifetime access for the product. This means that you will also recieve any updates and changes for free.Should the product be pulled or replaced you will be notified in plenty of time, although at this time we have no intention of discontinuing these modules.

Is there a trial or refund period?

Due to the instant access nature of the product no trial period or refunds will be given. Should you have an issue with the bundle or modules please contact us at [email protected]

Can I purchase individual modules?

Absolutley - Click the link at the bottom of this page and choose the generate more option you want for just £79. It will then be added to your libary.

The Generate More Bundle

What's Included

4 module bundle

£316 £199

Generate More TIME (Value £79)

Generate More MONEY (Value £79)

Generate More OPPORTUNITY (Value £79)

Generate More FLEXIBILITY (Value £79)

(All workbooks, videos & templates provided)

Access for the life of the product

Work at your own pace, in your own way

Start GENERATING MORE today & SAVE £117!!!

All for just £199

You will get full access to this immediately and for the life of the product. This includes any updates, additions or you won't miss out. Don't worry we will let you know when we have added to your bundle.

[Due to the nature of instant access and download there are no refunds - We reserve the right to update, change or remove the product at any time]Hub footer

© Copyright 2024 Lisa Sheppard Happy Business Mentor & the Happy Business Hub